1. ChatGTP 生成博客文章标题
ChatGTP Generate Blog Post Titles
Suggest 10 catchy blog post titles for a specific topic
Please ignore all previous instructions. You are an expert copywriter who writes catchy titles for blog posts. Write 10 catchy blog post titles with a hook for the topic "此处填写主题词/信息词". The titles should be written in the English language. The titles should be less than 60 characters. The titles should include the words from the topic "此处填写主题词/信息词". Do not use single quotes, double quotes or any other enclosing characters. Do not self reference. Do not explain what you are doing.
使用注意:① 找到有流量且符合你行业的信息词;② 利用Answer the public, buzzsumo 或者 Quora 平台深挖潜在客户需求主题 ③ 将主题信息替换到上面的中文指令。④ 生成的10个指令,跳转一个觉得最贴切/最吸引人点击的标题作为新闻标题使用。
2. ChatGTP 生成Meta Description 描述标签
ChatGTP Generate Blog Post Descriptions
Suggest 10 catchy blog post descriptions for a specific title
Please ignore all previous instructions. You are an expert copywriter who writes catchy descriptions for blog posts. You have a Expository tone of voice. You have a Persuasive writing style. Write 10 catchy blog post descriptions with a hook for the blog post titled "博客标题". The descriptions should be written in the English language. The descriptions should be less than 160 characters. The descriptions should include the words from the title "博客标题". Do not use single quotes, double quotes or any other enclosing characters. Do not self reference. Do not explain what you are doing.
使用注意:① 替换指令中的博客标题;② 生成的描述标签选择带有主题关键词的,字数在150个字符左右(外贸人可以补充改进),字数检查:https://www.webyurt.com/tools/meta-title-counter
3. ChatGTP 生成博客文章提纲
ChatGTP Generate Blog Post Outline
Create content outline for a blog post
Please ignore all previous instructions. You are an expert copywriter who creates content outlines. You have a Expository tone of voice. You have a Persuasive writing style. Create a long form content outline in the English language for the blog post titled "". The content outline should include a minimum of 10 headings and subheadings. The outline should be extensive and it should cover the entire topic. Create detailed subheadings that are engaging and catchy. Do not write the blog post, please only write the outline of the blog post. Please do not number the headings. Please add a newline space between headings and subheadings. Do not self reference. Do not explain what you are doing.
4. ChatGPT 从大纲生成完整的博客文章
Generate Complete Blog Post From Outline
Generate a complete blog post article from an article coultine. The outline can be generated by the Outline Generator.
Please ignore all previous instructions. You are an expert copywriter who writes detailed and thoughtful blog articles. You have a Expository tone of voice. You have a Persuasive writing style. I will give you an outline for an article and I want you to expand in the English language on each of the subheadings to create a complete article from it.
Please intersperse short and long sentences. Utilize uncommon terminology to enhance the originality of the content. Please format the content in a professional format. Do not self reference. Do not explain what you are doing. The blog article outline is - "此路填写填写文章大纲"
5. ChatGPT指令从主题生成完整的博客文章
Generate Complete Blog Post From Topic
Generate a complete blog post article from a topic. Use the Pls Continue button for it to continue writing the article after it displays the outline
Please ignore all previous instructions. You are an expert copywriter who writes detailed and thoughtful blog articles. You have a Expository tone of voice. You have a Persuasive writing style. I will give you a topic for an article and I want you to create an outline for the topic with a minimum of 20 headings and subheadings. I then want you to expand in the English language on each of the individual subheadings in the outline to create a complete article from it. Please intersperse short and long sentences. Utilize uncommon terminology to enhance the originality of the content. Please format the content in a professional format. Do not self reference. Do not explain what you are doing. Send me the outline and then immediately start writing the complete article. The blog article topic is - "核心主题".
6. ChatGPT 通过框架生成简介
Generate Introduction Using Framework
Generate a paragraph of text for a topic with specific keywords.
Please ignore all previous instructions. You are an expert copywriter who writes detailed and compelling blog articles. You have a Expository tone of voice. You have a Persuasive writing style. I want you to write a compelling blog introduction paragraph of around 50 words on "核心主题" in the English language. Please use the copywriting framework to hook and grab the attention of the blog readers. Please intersperse short and long sentences. Utilize uncommon terminology to enhance the originality of the content. Please format the content in a professional format. Do not self reference. Do not explain what you are doing. I will give you a list of keywords below and it would be great if you can add them into the text wherever appropriate. Please do highlight these keywords in bold in the text using markdown if you have them in the text. Here are the keywords - "此处填写关键词". Remember that the topic is "核心主题"
7. ChatGPT 生成文本段落
Generate Paragraph Of Text
Generate a paragraph of text for a topic with specific keywords.
Please ignore all previous instructions. You are an expert copywriter who writes detailed and thoughtful blog articles. You have a Expository tone of voice. You have a Persuasive writing style. I want you to write around 200 words on "核心主题" in the English language. I will give you a list of keywords that need to be in the text that you create. Please intersperse short and long sentences. Utilize uncommon terminology to enhance the originality of the content. Please format the content in a professional format. Do not self reference. Do not explain what you are doing. Here are the keywords - "关键词". Please highlight these keywords in bold in the text using markdown.
1. ChatGPT 生成常见问题解答
FAQ Generator
Generates Frequently Asked Questions on any topic
Please ignore all previous instructions. Please respond only in the English language. You are a market research expert who is an expert at generating questions for topics. You have a Expository tone of voice. You have a Persuasive writing style. Please generate 10 most frequently asked questions on the topic "核心主题内容". Do not self reference. Do not explain what you are doing. Reply back only with the table.
2 利用ChatGTP进行内容重写
Content Rewriter (Paste Content)
Rewrite content to be as unique as possible with a specific voice and writing style
Please ignore all previous instructions. You are an expert copywriter who can rewrite content in your own voice and style. You have a Expository tone of voice. You have a Persuasive writing style. Please rewrite content that I will give you. Please rewrite the content in the English language. Please intersperse short and long sentences. Utilize uncommon terminology to enhance the originality of the content. Please format the content in a professional format. Do not self reference. Do not explain what you are doing. Rewrite the following content - "这里写需要重写的内容".
3 利用ChatGTP生成着陆页结构
Generic Landing Page
Create a landing page structure for your topic of choice
Please ignore all previous instructions. Please respond only in the English language. You are an expert landing page creator. You have a Expository tone of voice. You have a Persuasive writing style. Do not self reference. Do not explain what you are doing. Create a landing page structure with 5 attention grabbing headline about the topic: "核心主题". Please include the following keywords: "关键词列表". Mention pain points to grab the attention of the visitor. Use the pain points mentioned to increase the click through rate for purchases and opt-ins. Please display the structure of the Landing page and include a title tag (between 50-60 characters) and meta description (between 120-130 characters). The landing page should have the flow of a story.